Sunday, April 3, 2022

Watch "The Girls Whose Last Snapchat Footage Showed Their M*RDERER" on YouTube

 The following post attached to this site has three parts.

Heres part one on that note.

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Watch "The Girls Whose Last Snapchat Footage Showed Their M*RDERER" on YouTube 

I thought modern technology was supposed to be marvelous.

And save humans.

If technology is really so wonderous then why is it

 that the image of the supposed killer seen in the video cannot be enhanced through modern technology in police crime labs in order to reveal the facial features of that supposed killer of these girls.


Think about it.
In summary the police are technically HYPOCRITES to assume that's the case.

Theirs no solid evidence to substantiate that man seen in the picture, in the distance, is actually the killer of those girls.

Its possible, maybe, he is their killer.



But,that said,  theirs no complete proof that guy seen in the picture is actually the killer of these young ladies.

Irrefutably theirs no  solid evidence that's the case.
For the record its totally obvious'
That guy could have only been walking by those two girls  before the realkiller actually  showed up.

It's possible.

That's obviously possible  that's a possibility.

In fact theirs no real solid evidence to suggest it didnt occur that way.

So,to whoeverreads this?

Keep that in mind.

Connected totrue facts.

.what if it was someone  else who  killed   these   young  girls?

Then your all falsely accusing an innocent man?

Whose probably kind and sweet.
It's possible.

The point?

Be sure of something or be sure of an accusation connected to exodus 20:16 before you start accusing someone of a crime which, someone might be innocent of.

Dont make an accusation .

Until your sure that a statement you make is true.

In other words.


In other words call a spade what a spade happens to be.

Literally speaking..

Be sure someones guilty before you ruin his life?



Call a spade a  spade.

In hind sight.

Pure and simple.

Now I quickly address part two of this present post.

Worded as follows.

In regards to this video, attached below, I now have this to state . 

Devils must delete this comment.

Connected to the HOLY spirits instructions attached in christianity in luke 12:1 -3 that says, do not delete righteous comments, lest the holy Israeli god rip you apart.
.just thought I'd say that.

Now,I knew a group of women once a while back,who screamed at everyone that they  had every right to mock what CHRISTIANITYS holy ghost teaches humanity in PSALM one of christianity on all counts continually...

They screamed that they were wonderously righteous for their deliberate defiance of christs words spoken through CHRISTIANITYSHOLY ghost in many ways actually.

And,by way of matthew18: 7 , which intertwines john 5:14 the sesame women also boasted to me that it was perfectly righteous, gloriously,  on their parts, that such women teach children to deliberately defy the deranged instructions of CHRISTIANITYS holy ghost regarding what jesus says in matthew 5:17 to 20 aligning 2and peter 1:19-21 likewise.

Then these same sesame women ripped a christian bible up.

Right in front up my eyes and then they boasted to me that human children would be wise to do what such sesame women taught in this life and ignore what jesus taught people...

That way,human children would be okay if human children mocked the words of jesus and followed these  sesame  women instead.

."""OH?"""  """REALLY?""  I SAID..





I now close this post with the following comment attached to the following video located beneath these words...

Watch "250 people have disappeared from cruise ships in the last 10 years. What happened?" on YouTube 

Regarding people vanishing without a trace, on cruise ships, 

Most likely the solution ito solvingthis situation is to make a law for CRUISE ships that all locations on a ship must be on camera.
And recorded.

24 hours a day.
Day and night.
And lights on in all public galleries and quarters accessible to passengers.

Even candid cameras must be operating.

Or hidden cameras.
And teams of camera operators must check cameras every day to make sure the ships cameras are operating properly.
That's the answer.

Not one person.
Not two people.
But rather teams.
With teams checking the operstion of cameras, , it's much less likely, that an employee will commit a crime.


Thats obviously the answer.

Have signs everywhere warning all passengers cameras are filming every public  part of the ship.
And I mean, majorly.

That's got to be part of the ride.
To the point where, if their is an evil assholish killer on board, such  a killer, will be concerned he'll be caught.
It's that simple.

That will decrease, or even stop people from going missing on cruise ships.

Excuse the expression but, to stop disappearances on cruise ships, cruise ships have to "" GO OVERBOARD""

 with security cameras.

Place the cameras everywhere.
It's that simple.
Pure and simple.

Cruise ship authorities know this.
Because that's obvious.
They simply dont do it.

Who knows.
Maybe their the killers?

Or kidnappers.
The cruise ship authorities would obviously know where the cameras are.

And someone working the ship would also be able to tamper with the evidence on a cruise ship camera too.

And then smile and lie about tampering with evidence gonna camera afterwards.

It's like the Disney cruise line case I checked on line a little while back.
You summarize everything in that case properly?

You do that and it becomes veritibly evident that various cruise ship staff murdered the lady who went missing on a Disney cruise line.

It's just summarizing facts properly.
Something the police or cruise ship authorities never seem to do.


Now I close this post with this comment.

Watch "Nurse Sentenced for Giving Fatal Dose of Wrong Drug in Error" on YouTube 

That's  incredibly hypocritical on the part of the downloader of this cursed video.
Or youtube.

They allowed the only comment I left yesterday, on this video, that wouldnt confirm,factually, that I am correct , in what I say, to remain visible.
Regarding four obviously logical comments I placed here yesterday.

On this video..
Which amounts to incredible deceitful evil hypocrisy on their parts. In countless cursed ways.

Hypocrisy that actually blows the hypocrisy of the  pharisees who lived in the days  of jesus away.

Anyways ,to the person with this youtube account name soul food?
Read this.


If youtube or the downloader of this idiotic video doesnt delete this HOLY righteous comment I'm placing here.
That website verifies factually that I'm completely righteous before christ factually in this life.

And it also verifies to all people ,connected to luke 6:26' that only deliberate dumb dipshits , who clearly dont give a fuck about jesus, by way of obvious facts in this life ,, dont acknowledge when obvious sarcasm is being placed in writing in a comment I left here on this video.
On youtube.

Either way, I'm now placing this comment in my crime website.
That way, no one can delete it.
And it will remain visible.
On the internet.
As jesus gives commandment.

To all.
In luke 12:1-3.
And Matthew 19:17.

So, ?
If someone deletes this comment now?
Then obviously their a cursed goofy hypocrite, who deliberately hypocritically unforgivably dishonor jesus in everything they say and do in this life.

Aligning what both matthew 12:31-37 and revelation 3:9-15 warn humans.

The whole of CHRISTIANITYS teavhings warn humans that jesus never forgives hypocrites.

What jesus says is forgive sincerity and sincere repentance.

Hypocrisy has nothing to do with sincerity.

That's obvious.

Pure and simple.
To the ifiot who deleted my previous HOLY sincere  comments I placed here yesterday.
By way of 2nd john 1:10-11 and galatians 1:8-9 of christianity?
Note that holy truth.
And note the warning addressed by christ in matthew 24:51 to all on that note.

Now for part three of this post.

I word it as follows.

In this manner.

Watch "Brandy Hall: Florida firefighter disappears after leaving station" on YouTube

Studying true crime on youtube.  You ever study true crime on youtube?  Carrissa? I do. As I prove below.

And on that note I say this.

This is just one example of many true crime cases in america attached to this website

 i place here 

As a link for you, 

which prove I study true crime meticulously on the internet.


Check out my sleuth work.
On that note.
When you can.

Including this case here.
In this video.
Attached below.

Which I word as follows.

In this case?

Randy's obviously the murderer.
Randys  missing for 3 days.
Right after brandys disappearance....
Hes caught deliberately lying to police.

He ridiculously hangs up on jeff when jeff just calmly asks if he knows where brandy is..
And every other red flag.
Mentioned in this video.

Why the hell wasnt randy  given a lie detector test?

This is an  open and shut case.

Randy's obviously guilty.

Go into a court of law and go through the facts  of this case...

And  in a court of law""  ask randy why those things I just mentioned are factual?
What's he gonna say?

He lied deliberately to police about seeing brandy recently because he obviously killed her...

That's the only thing that makes sense.

Why doesnt the police ask him why he lied about that?

Well ? Officer?

The truth is I lied about that because I'm a killer.

That's the only rational thing randy could say.
At that interval in time.
.nothing else makes real sense.

And his office has a personal door at the fire station.

For crying out loud.

Where no one could  see him come and go.
So, that's not an alibi.

An alibi is something that's fool proof.

In a court of law.

They said in this video the police investigating this case consider that an alibi.

Well their kangaroo cops.

Because an alibi is something that's concrete evidence a person couldnt have committed a crime a person is  accused of.

Randy had a personal door at his office.

Where no one could see him come and go.

So obviously that's not an alibi.
Did I really have to explain that obvious truth?
In words?
To people here.

These cops referred tohere ?

Investigating this crime?
In this video?
Their clearly either idiots or their corrupt.
Or both.

And look at all the other red flags.

Mentioned here.

Theirs just too much evidence that verifies his guilt.
Randy's clearly the killer.

And hes nuts.
You dont hang up on jeff simply because jeff asks a rational question like " have you seen brandy?

As soon as jeff asked randy that question " randy"" immediately hung up the phone on jeff.
Why the hell would randy hang up the phone?
In that case?

The question jeff asked was respectful polite and decent.

Who hangs up on someone in a calm conversation their having with someone when that's the case?

A lunatic or psychopathic killer would hang up the phone psychotically like randy did , at that point.
But not someone whose innocent of this  crime.
Referred to here.
Randy's clearly the murderer.

That's factual.

So , in plain simple linquistics?
what's he doing free?


I nowclose  this journal with this

Watch "Craigslist Killer Lured Men into the Woods" on YouTube 

David started shrieking, "" I know this is the  ad that will get me killed in a woooded area!""
""But first raped by an insane recluse farmer!..
So, I'm gonna apply!! HALLELUJAH!!""

And then as it happened  david was never heard from again.

That's craigslist for ya.
Ya apply for some ads?

Yaend up chained naked in a barn.
Leashed nude on a choke chain.
The sex slave of a crazed serial farmer and his wife.

dems Are  tha breaks.
Ya know.
O well.

When you apply for ads on craigslist.
O well.
Kijiji is worse.

In ontario canada.
Their just more deceptive.
About what their saying...


Not to mention the fact, population wise, imbecilic killers,usually get caught..
Percentage wise.

Either way, I've encountered more mendacious people on kijiji then I have on craigslist.
I'm just saying.

.I close this post now with this.

Watch "TOP 5 Wildest Sentencing Hearings In Courtroom" on YouTube 

A lady says at the end of this video that no one is allowed vengeance upon evil  people.
After a man tries to get at a criminal in court.

What that lady said there?
You know?
I mean, honestly.
What does she really  even mean?
By saying those words?
1st cor 11:1 says imitate jesus.

And what jesus does in this life.

In john 2:15" jesus takes a whip and starts  appropriately whipping humans who are hypocrites ...


What does that tell that lady?


By way of ISIAH 20:1-4 for example.
In other words, does that lady have a brain that operates above the level of a terrestrial ostrich?

On that note.

I mean seriously.
I now close this post with this.

You know? I mean, look at this guy?  Wtf? 
Watch "Carl Eugene Watts : The Sunday Morning Slasher" on YouTube 

I just cant get over  that name. The sunday morning slasher. 
Did something click inside him on only sunday mornings?
Or maybe
Did he not like church goers? Or something?
I decided to stop taking my medication today.
The hospital said it's okay.
Like the famous  song goes.
Show quoted text
Now on to a summary of this  this video.
Here.         Watch "Top 10 Terrifying People In History The FBI Want You To Forget About - Part 2" on YouTube

What does this narrator of this video  mean by saying the zodiac is the most prolific unknown killer?
The famous
Jack the ripper in london England who killed prostitutes in 1888 was clearly more famous.
She herself verifies that the character she says is number one on this list had more kills then the zodiac.
So if shes talking about the word prolific,  then what exactly is she referring to?
If indeed shes talking about the number of kills an unknown serial killer has then this should also be stated here.

I'm not entirely sure, but I'm fairly certain, their have been uncaught serial killers who have been more prolific in kills then the zodiac killer.
I cant remember for sure  but I think the mad butcher of Cleveland is one who killed more and was never caught.
When I checked that list a few years ago I'm pretty certain a few other uncaught serial killers have killed more people.

The only reason the zodiac became so famous though is because he taunted the police with cryptic notes.

Like jack the ripper .
Brief note.
Its kind of amazing though to mention here at this time..

The serial killer or mass killer with the most known victims?

It's not a man.
Amazingly it's actually a woman.

Maria Mandel.
Just over half a million .
500,000 thousand kills.

A woman owns the record.
By far.
Not a man.

On that note I now say 
Thank you.
And now I say
""Touche""" on that note now.

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