Sunday, January 31, 2021

Kaylen louders dissappearance and the case of a man named jacob.

To the readers of this website.

A musical option in memory of kaylen louder is attached here.


For those who enjoy music.

Summary of " what happened to kaylen louder?

Some people think kaylen had flipped out and gone berserk.


Let's just say this.

Her voice and the way she talked was too rational to assume she had gone berserk.. .

In likeness to how this lady is going berserk. 


Kaylen appeared to be calm.

During the 911 call.

Her voice clearly indicated she was stable.

In fact" the roommate Jaylen lived with " whose name is carol" seemed to be more wild during this 911 call then kaylen did.
If you listen closely.


Kaylen was just calmly telling the 911 operator that someone was in the apt who wasnt supposed to be there.
Then you can hear laughter that clearly does not sound like kaylen room mates voice.
If someone else laughed in the apt during the 911 call attached to the video located here why then did the roommate lie to the police by saying no one else was in the apt.
Kaylen was certain somebody else was there in the apt.
During the 911 call.
Yet the room mate insisted that was false.
If it really was false " why then can someone clearly be heard laughing obnoxiously at kaylen?
During the 911 call?
If no one else was present in the apt?
Except for kaylen and her room mate carol?
Carol's story doesnt truly make sense there.
That's obvious.
Carol clearly lied to the police.
In one way or another.

The narrator 

""🙀Mike"🐸 in the 🧟‍♂️video🦊 attached here"" 🥳says " the last 😱footage 🐶they🥳 have of 🤪kaylen😚" she had 😀gone down by the creek.🤡

As far as anyone can tell... if I'm understanding this "" correctly"' her room mate followed her to the creek.

Because later footage of that camera area shows Carole coming up from the creek but Kaylen is no where to be seen.

So... Carole comes back up. But Kaylen doesnt.. so??

What does that say?
And tell everyone?

is the last known  person
To see kaylen.

Sounds pretty suspicious to me .

Especially since kaylen was insistent that  someone was in the apt that didnt belong there.

During her 911 call to the police...

Kaylen would not have been that sure someone was there that shouldnt have been" unless it was true.

It very much appears 
That means carole was playing with kaylen.
And with that intruder " who was obviously caroles friend" carole- "eventually decided to kill kaylen.

Carole and someone else killed kaylen..

Isnt that obvious?
Clearly that's the case.


Especially when one considers the laughter in the back ground of the last 911 call to the police.

Analyse the voice.
Have experts analysed the voice.
On the tape.

If it is careless laughter why would carole laugh that way?

At such a situation?

And if it's not caroles laugh on the tape... that obviously means carole was lying.

And there was someone else in that apt.
That day.

At the very least carole needs to be investigated by the police.

On this matter.


Why did the police never do a proper investigation of carole.

On that note?

Talk about key stone cops.

What a lack of justice.

Maybe the police had something better to do.

Then do a proper investigation of a murder.

Like perhaps .. maybe that was golf day.
At police head quarters.

Ya never know?


Mike worded it best..
At approximately the 13 minute mark of the video mike said " the police figured kaylen would show up eventually.

""Dont worry everyone.""
Declared Utah's key stone monkey cops.

Mike said
That was just 
"" steller police work.



In the video you can see her desperately looking  back in the rain.
Almost like it appeared someone was chasing her?

So she ran down into a creek?
In pouring rain?
Instead of into her apt?
And then shes never seen again.


And let's not forget....

Her room mate is seen coming up... from the creek basically shortly after kaylen goes down to the creek.

And then never emerges.


The room mate " carole"" is seen coming up from the creek.
On video.

Yet caroles room mate kaylen is never seen coming up from the creek ever again.
What a coincidence. 

What could that mean?

I feel a sarcastic statement rising.

I'm about to decree a sarcastic sentiment.

Which is simply this.
This all  means that 
These Utah  police did
Excellent police work.🤡

On such a subject.

In truth.

I'm gonna repeat these words.

For good measure.

Before moving on to the next post.

It appears kaylen had a bit of a meltdown.

But she wasnt deranged or psychotic.

Her voice and the way she talked was too rational.

Mike says " the last footage they have of kaylen" she had gone down by the creek.

As far as anyone can tell... if I'm understanding this "" correctly"' her room mate followed her there.

Because later footage of that camera area shows Carole coming up from the creek but Kaylen is no where to be seen.

So... Carole comes back up. But Kaylen doesnt.. so??

What does that say?

And tell everyone?


 is the last known  person

To see kaylen.

Sounds pretty suspicious to me .

Especially since kaylen was insistent that  someone was in the apt that didnt belong there.

During her 911 call to the police...

Kaylen would not have been that sure someone was there that shouldnt have been" unless it was true.

It very much appears 

That means carole was playing with kaylen.

And with that intruder " who was obviously caroles friend" carole- "eventually decided to kill kaylen. 

Carole and someone else killed kaylen..

Isnt that obvious?

Clearly that's the case.


Especially when one considers the laughter in the back ground of the last 911 call to the police.

Analyse the voice.

Have experts analysed the voice.?

On the tape.

If it is careless laughter why would carole laugh that way?

At such a situation?

And if it's not caroles laugh on the tape... that obviously means carole was lying.

And there was someone else in that apt.

That day.

At the very least carole needs to be investigated by the police.

On this matter.




Why did the police never do a proper investigation of carole.

On that note?

Talk about key stone cops.


What a lack of justice.




Maybe the police had something better to do.

Then do a proper investigation of a murder.

Like perhaps .. maybe that was golf day.

At police head quarters.


Ya never know?


Mike worded it best..

At approximately the 13 minute mark of the video mike said " the police figured kaylen would show up eventually.


""Dont worry everyone.""

Declared Utah's key stone monkey cops.

Mike said

That was just 

"" steller police work.





In the video you can see her desperately looking  back in the rain.

Almost like it appeared someone was chasing her?

So she ran down into a creek?

In pouring rain?

Instead of into her apt?

And then shes never seen again.


And let's not forget....


Her room mate is seen coming up... from the creek basically shortly after kaylen goes down to the creek.

And then never emerges.



The room mate " carole"" is seen coming up from the creek.

On video.

Yet caroles room mate kaylen is never seen coming up from the creek ever again.

What a coincidence. 



What could that mean?

I feel a sarcastic statement rising.

I'm about to decree a sarcastic sentiment.

Which is simply this.

This all  means that 

These Utah  police did

Excellent police work.🤡


On such a subject.

The👮‍♀️🤡 police🐒👮‍♂️ said " she appeared to be 🤪mentally 🧟‍♂️deranged🤡or in some sort of absolute state of 🧟‍♂️🤪🤡neuralgia🤪🤡🧟‍♂️👨‍🦰🐸🧞‍♂️😱" just prior to her dissappearance" and therefore " not to worry" because" most likely she's ll be found wandering a creek somewhere?👮‍♂️🤡🐸🧟‍♂️


Fabulous police work indeed.

Just like micheal said.🤯👨‍🎨🤡🕵️‍♂️🐒

At around the 12: 40 mark of the video!

In the video!

Connected to this!🤡🧙‍♂️🐒👮‍♂️🧙‍♀️🧚‍♂️🐸🧞‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🧚‍♂️👮‍♀️👳‍♂️🧟‍♂️🤯🦹‍♀️🧚‍♀️






In truth.

Now for part two of this journal.

Worded as follows.

In regards to the contents of the following youtube video.
Listed below.
Allow me to now say this.

I know this is a touchy  "" touch and go"" subject.

But I cant avoid saying this.
As "" I think" its neccacary to relate.
Under the circumstances of this case.

So? I address this truthful comment as follows.

When I was about seven this was done to me.
Regarding a pedophile in my neighbourhood.
Young. Though.
He was only about 14..
I was only 7 or 8.
To be blunt?

In my opinion I'm pretty sure " the guy was mentally ill.

You wouldnt be able to tell " though" that this guy was a pediphile.
From just looking at the guy...
He seemed quite normal.
Even played games with the kids on my street.
At the time.
And he lived right beside a freaking cop.
Ya know.... for the record I feel obligated to say this.
  I am basically positive he didnt really want to hurt me.

He did say he would kill me if I told anybody what he was doing.

But he never once did physically harm me.
Of a truth I'm pretty certain " in evaluating everything that happened with me and that guy 
He was sick.

He did it twice. Cor the record.
At least. Twice.

But it may have been thrice. Or more.

I just cant  be sure about the third time.
Or more times..
My memory is basically a haze.
On that note.
Regarding something.

About that time period.
And those days.

Perhaps I'm blocking out certain times andy arreault abused me.
As perhaps a seven year old mind might do.
Ya know?

For the record " too" I suppose I should say"
I've always suspected that I blocked out something about that.
In my mind.
I was only 7 years of age.

And this is the first time I'm actually realizing that is probably a correctly stated fact.
I think I did block out from my memory a few times he assaulted me.

Yet I clearly recall he did do it twice " at least. To me.
Act like a pedophile.
In ways that are sick.

But anyways
He told me never to tell anyone.

And I didnt.
Until my teens.
The guy got away with it.
Because I was a small boy who he manipulated.

But... as I said despite that" I really believe he didnt intend me harm.
I saw andy beat up a tough boy on my street.
Named bob Duncan's.
Andy could fight.

Yet he never physically harmed me.
He was obviously sick in the head.

But" let's face it.
Theres a difference between being guilty of a crime" too" right?

as opposed to being " shall we say"" insane.?
That's the question I propose to you readers of this comment section now.

Was he insane?

That's the question...
And a good question it truly is.
Let's just say " in response to that"
I truly believe he had a sickness.?

A sickness.
But was it insanity where someone is not guilty because they dont know right from wrong?

maybe it wasnt a form of complete insanity.
Maybe it was.
I dont know.

Oo whatever.
My point here " though" is simply this.

All i can say " for sure" is " i dont think most of these people mean harm to the children.
This type of pedophile I'm referring to.
in this conversation.
which most pedophiles appear to be.
they dont physically harm or kill their prey.
Or victims?
If you will?

They obviously need to be locked up.
I confess that's true.

You cant let them roam.
It's TRUE.

But" i dont think these types of child molesters want to physically harm the kids they sexually molest .

Not the specific form of illness y predator possessed.
and not the form of pedophile illness Jacob possesses does seek to physically harm their victims..
The majority of pedophiles are like that.
They dont seek to physically harm or kill.

They really dont.

As it was with Jacob.
And with  this guy. That got me.
I refer to here.
In this comment.
Who sexually  assaulted me.
Andy arreaut was his name.
He wasnt a killer.
Neither is jacob.

In most pedophile cases you'll find that.

Not all pedophiles are killers.
Only a small percentage of child predators kill.
It's not part of their crime make up.
Shall we say?

A lot of em are just mentally ill 
I personally believe.

Still... dont get me wrong..
I quess its criminal nature.

I'm obviously stating that to be correct.
Please dont think I'm not.

And " no" you cant let them go free.
What they do is obviously wrong.

But I really believe they dont really want to hurt the kids.
They molest.
That's it.
The majority of these pedophile  psychopaths.

.brittany was found alive. Right?

And this andy guy never once physically harmed me.
Except sexually.


My point?
My point in bringing this up is simply this.

This type of pedophile is not a killer.
Of kids 

If that means anything.
For credit?
I dont know.

The only reason I say that is 
Because I was assaulted too by someone.

When I was about  Brittany's age.
And I'm sure the guy who sexually assualted me ""andy arreault"never really wanted to hurt me.

I dont think Jacob ever really wanted to burt brittany either.

His "" jacobs""alarmingly perverse  sickness got the unholy  better of him.
And so " in turn" as we saw in the video here" he went psychopathic  and kidnapped brittany.
Because of the fact hes a mental patient.


But " the point is"" unlike so many other people who kill on earth for no reason"
To Jacob's credit"  ""he didnt kill her.
And he never really tried to physically harm her.
Or kill her.
Murder was never his intention.
And crazy as it sounds that is technically proof that this type of pedophile is insane.
It is.

His sickness destroyed him too.
My point?
Doesnt anybody feel compassion at all?
For him?

Because of his sickness?
Sometimes people who are sick simply need guidance from people who are healthy.

I admit jacob " the molester of brittany"and my molester  andy" /too""need to be monitored.
Because their sick.

Of course they do.
That's true.
Because their sick.
In other words you cant let a rabid dog run loose.
Of course.

"""But"""""" the difference between this type of pedophile and many other criminals who are in their right minds?
On earth? 
At any time? In this existence?

The difference ● in particular● " as far as I can see " is clearly that this type of pedophile " like jacob and andy have a sickness.

They cannot help.
Once caught... they  cannot be set free. In society.

I admit that.
They have to be confined.
And monitored.
It's TRUE.

But " to torture them for the rest of their lives?

And condemn them to unending pain?
Because they have a sickness?
That causes them to technically sexually  worship children?

That's all I'm trying to say.
Jacob has an illness.

I'm not trying to down play it.
I know that " what jacob did? 
it's much worse then if you have cancer.
For example.

I know that.
But that's not my point.

My point?
It's still an illness.
That he cant control.

To torture jacob mercilessly?
The rest of his life?
Because of that?

When you " as a human" were born normal?
And he was born with a disadvantage?
An illness.
Not cool.
To torture someone with a mental illness.
In my opinion...
Ya know?

Jacob needs monitoring in a confined space.
Because of his sickness.

It's TRUE.
But someone whose decently merciful?
And not a criminal?

They wouldnt seek to torture Jacob 
For an illness he has that is clearly not his choice to possess.
And " as far as I can see?

That's a very truth ful analysis" of this crazy situation.
My apologies to anyone whose angry that I say this.

But that doesnt alter the fact it's the truth.
As I summarize true crime.
On the internet.

In connection with this. 



In truth.

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