Thursday, May 23, 2019

The case of two missing girls on train tracks.

Watch "The Girls Whose Last Snapchat Footage Showed Their M*RDERER" on YouTube 

I thought modern technology was supposed to be marvelous.
And save humans.
If technology issues wonderous then why is it that the image of the supposed killer seen in the video cannot be enhanced through modern technology in police crime labs in order to reveal the facial features of that supposed killer of these girls.
Think about it.
In summary the police are technically HYPOCRITES to assume that's the case.

Theirs no solid evidence to substantiate that man seen in the picture, in the distance, is actually the killer of those girls.

Its possible, maybe, he is their killer.


But,that said,  theirs no complete proof that guy seen in the picture is actually the killer of these young ladies.

Irrefutably theirs no  solid evidence that's the case.
For the record its totally obvious'
That guy could have only been walking by those two girls  before the realkiller actually  showed up.

It's possible.

That's obviously possible  that's a possibility.
In fact theirs no real solid evidence to suggest it didnt occur that way.

So,to whoeverreads this?

Keep that in mind.

Connected totrue facts.

.what if it was someone  else who  killed   these   young  girls?

Then your all falsely accusing an innocent man?
Whose probably kind and sweet.
It's possible.

The point?
Be sure of something or be sure of an accusation connected to exodus 20:16 before you start accusing someone of a crime which, someone might be innocent of.

Dont make an accusation .
Until your sure that a statement you make is true.
In other words.

In other words call a spade what a spade happens to be.

Literally speaking..
Be sure someones guilty before you ruin his life?

Call a spade a  spade.
In hind sight.
Pure and simple.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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